martes, 10 de julio de 2012

Endocrine glands, exercises to strengthen them

These exercises over time will produce elasticity and perfect performance.
It is very important to do for the benefits granted to the spine, specifically the endocrine glands

First exercise - Lying on the floor back well straight, hands on hips, lift your legs describing a semicircle, without bending the knees to the ground behind the head; immediately lift one of the well-spread legs to the vertical position and then take it to the normal position; again touch the floor behind your head and so on several veces.Con this exercise strengthens the thyroid, genitals, liver and pancreas.

Second exercise - stretching back to the floor, hands on hips, lift your legs and feet and body until it clicks directly supported only by the back, arms and nuc, then make pedaling movements and scissors the legs.

Third exercise .- pair this exercise must be placed on his knees on the floor, leaning on the palms. in this position, without moving your legs or hands off the floor, making successive moves, arching her back up alternadamente.Una variation of this exercise is to raise the floor legs and arms, but keeping your feet and hands resting on the ground (back spider commonly called). Once in this position arch your back slowly, then lower your knees to touch the suelo.Volver back to its original position and bend your arms to touch the tip of the nose on the ground. Repeat this exercise several times, but without unduly straining your back, at first.

Fourth exercise - other variants of the previous year is to put the body upright, leaning only the toes and palms; in that position arch your back slowly, dropping below the knees to rest on them; put back to its initial position and flex your arms until they touch her face. This several times, but without straining your back.

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